Singpass Details

Singpass Details

For Singpass holders, you can now use Singpass authentication as a seamless alternative to sign in and access your linked accounts with one NRIC/FIN number.  

All our existing users who are registered Singpass holders and have their NRIC/FIN numbers updated in our system can also enjoy using Singpass to sign in.

This enhancement not only adds flexibility but also ensures an added measure of security to safeguard your financial transactions.


How can I log into my account?

There are currently 2 methods that can be used for log in:

1. Log in via Singpass

2. Log in via Email & Password


Will Singpass Mobile login replace other login methods (e.g. via username)?

Singpass Mobile is a new login method. You can continue to use your registered email to login and access Wallex. Please ensure that your email is unique and avoid sharing it with colleagues and peers.


If I cannot log into my account with Singpass what should I do?

If you are unable to log into your account via Singpass, please try logging in with your Email & Password. If you are still facing any difficulties please reach out to us at and one of our team members will be able to assist you. 


How does this affect my account security?

Tremendously – in a positive way! The security of our platform is of utmost priority to us. In fact, the migration from a username sign-in to an email sign-in method or Singpass authentication is not just a routine platform update.  

These enhancements add a substantial layer of protection and reflects our commitment to security, ensuring that you can carry out transactions with peace of mind.  

Furthermore, the introduction of the Adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) will further fortify security with its comprehensive embedded security flow that ensures the authenticity of users.


If you would like to read more about Singpass, please access our Singpass article:

Launching a New Log-In method for Wallex Singapore Users 


If you have any questions or queries please reach out to us at and one of our team members will be able to assist you.